
"He's The Wiiiiiz! He's the Wizaaaaarrrrd!"

Wednesday, Sept. 06, 2017 - 7:13 p.m.


I'm lightweight skressed, bruh.

Friday, 9/8/17, is supposed to be the official closing date for the purchase of my great-aunt Jennette's home. Almost 3.5 years after her passing, this long winding road is supposed to be coming to an end.

HOWEVER, there is a legal hurdle - one final legal hurdle - that must be crossed in order for it to happen. All of a sudden, at the end of the whole process, this issue has reared its ugly head and won't let go. I even got off three calls just now about such issue. Ugh.

My chest is a lil tight but thank God, related songs from The Wiz are bringing me comfort in the moment. I can't control the situation. I can only ride the wave and continue to pray it all works out.

I'm kinda miffed that I didn't go see AJul during lunch today. I missed the physical therapist, since he seems to only work 8-5. I never see him in the evenings when I go over there. He's the only thing - outside of AReid LMAO - that I have to think about. I'd love to think about him today. Anything other than the frustration that this process has brought me. But, alas.

Speaking of AReid. This fool is moving towards starting and ending the day communicating with me. What the??! LOL He is the most consistent man in my entire life. LOL LMAO! I can't. I can't even. I enjoy it because consistency. And there's no pressure or ulterior motives. He may end up being one of the few true platonic male friends I have. Although our convos don't stray into too personal territory. Very surface level, which is fine with me.

I'm so disturbed by this legal issue with the property. Crazy enough, I had a follow-up psychic reading a few months ago and the psychic said specifically:

Financing is gonna be tight.
Get a lawyer to make sure everything is tight.
Make sure there are no liens on the house.
Make sure the roof is ok - sees water in the back.
Termite issue.
Closing may not happen until September.

This was in March. I was like, yeah, ok. Closing not gonna be until September. Yeah, ok. Because at the time, things were moving smoothly and September seemed so far away.

Then, look. Chyle boo. CHYLE FRIGGIN BOO.

I have faith. I feel like God has brought me all the way here. He's not gonna drop me like a bad habit. He is gonna see this thang all the way through. I believe he is. I know he is. I ain't worried about it, just frustrated. But I know he's getting ready to show out in a blaze of glory. Thank God, in advance.

Yoga class didn't happen this week because Monday was a holiday. My body knows a week was skipped. My heart does too. I'm gonna do some stretching when I get home.

Hurricane Irma is approaching. I have totally checked out when it comes to natural disasters of the world. My brain has really been traumatized with many of the personal events of this year, so I don't have capacity for the problems of the world. Everything that happens, I be over in my own world like, "Yit, tidee! Yit, tidee!". All of my apologies for being selfish but I just can't. I can't.

So, yeah. Irma is headed directly this way. At first, I tried to ignore the chatter about her but then when everybody started acting a fool and closing down the local government and schools and ish, I figured I'd better start acting like the damn storm is coming. We gon' see. I'm praying that there's minimal impact to us. I'm praying for those majorly affected by her and Harvey and all the natural disasters going on around the world. That's really all I can do. That's definitely all I'm mentally equipped to do right now. No, it's not about me. (I'm trying to teach myself that this Life is not all about me. But that's a whole nother post for another day.)

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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"Don't wake me: I'm dreaming!!" - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017