

Thursday, Aug. 05, 2010 - 9:09 p.m.

What a day, what a day, what a day!!!

I DRUG myself out of bed this morning to go to the gym. My mind said no, my body said HELL NO, but my heart needs it. My blood pressure readings have been consistently HIGH for the past few months so I need to get this weight off. Now it's about necessity, not choice. But anywhoo.

So yeah, did my workout, headed to work. Everything a-okay.

I get a call from my mom at 9:55am that my family's dog is thrashing uncontrollably in the backyard. She's crying, so I know it must be serious and then I hear my stepdad in the background saying the dog is "dying". Lord, have mercy! So I shut down operations, make some notification calls and head to the scene!

I get there, my mom and Noah (the dog) are sitting right inside the door. She's holding him down so he doesn't keep thrashing about and hurt himself. My stepdad is walking around, crying hysterically, there's a bit of confusion but finally, the ball gets rolling and my stepdad and I head to the vet.

Get there. The vet is....handsome??? Huh?!? LOL!! Yeah, he's a cutie. But back to the emergency!

So Noah gets examined and the doc lets us know that he's having an episode of doggie vertigo, that it's fairly common among older dogs (Noah's about 14 years old), and that with medication, the dog can return to normal. *phew* So we check him in, I agree to the bill (at least a G, but we love Noah and he's been good to us, so it is what it is), and we leave.

Get home to the house and it's time to take my mom to urgent care. Her sciatica is acting up. She's using a cane to get around now. :-( Getting an appointment with an orthopedic doctor is like winning the lotto, so her appointment isn't until the end of next week. She was in too much pain, so she wanted to go to urgent care.

Then we went back to the vet to see Noah, got my mom's prescription filled at the pharmacy, then had dinner. I stopped to see my great-aunt, then came home and CRASHED. I mean, CRASHED.

*phew* I swear, I am TIRED. It's always something. I'm to the point where I feel like I'm in an out-of-body existence. My mind can't keep up with all the activity, so sometimes, I feel like I've mentally checked out and I'm on auto-pilot. Gosh.

I'm up watching some tv but I'm 'bout to go back to sleep. I'm still tired as hell and I'm planning on getting up at the crack of dawn for the gym. So.... Yeah.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

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