
"It's all a bad dream until you believe."

Sunday, Aug. 01, 2010 - 9:15 p.m.


Virginia is on her way to visit.......

That bitch!

Seems like the older I get, the more in advance she starts to bother me! I'm now at about 5 days before where she starts to tug here and pinch there and drag out those little bursts of pure unadulterated RAGE. I can't let her win. I'm trying to figure out how to tame her because I'm ready for her to leave me the hell alone.


Saturday, I went PARASAILING!!!!!

It was pretty much a last-minute situation. And, as usual, I showed up mentally and physically unprepared. LOL! I thought we were going hand-gliding. Goodness gracious.

It was a VERY different feeling to be floating 400 feet above the ocean. No sound up there but the wind. Looking at a pair of hooks, knowing that they were the only thing between me and sudden death 'cause I sho'll as hell don't know how to swim. It was a great experience. I wouldn't do it again, but it was awesome while it lasted. Just another reminder of how great God is for me. Nature... Wow.

But then, I got dumped in the ocean and my poor iPhone was a GONER! Instantly. No chance for repair. *sigh* I got fidgety at the prospect of not being able to freely communicate. If I had a house-phone, it probably wouldn't have been so bad. But my cell is my phone, period. So yeah, had to go to the AT&T store today. And might I say, I got the BEST service. Loved it.

I got another 3GS but I think I'ma go ahead and get that 4. The $99 version of the 3GS I got is already full with only 6GB of available memory (they say 8 but the basic info in the phone already takes up 2). The 16GB version I had would've been $149. So I might as well spring the extra $100 and be totally satisfied. Flash, here I come! :-)

So I'm looking forward to incorporating some DISCIPLINE in my life. I realized that it is ridiculously difficult for me to be disciplined about certain things and I can't get anywhere being wild and unfocused. It's time for me to settle down and do what I know I need to do. So that's my plan from here on out. Just to try to work on my mind, putting serious effort into being orderly and productive.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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