
"But I still believe it's turning around for me."

Sunday, Mar. 12, 2017 - 10:25 p.m.

Today is Day 15 of "my family's" Daniel Fast experience.

Except yesterday, everybody bailed with all the repast food under our noses. Everybody but my mother and I.

Ironically, on the way to the funeral, we were talking about how important it is to stick to it for us. I was saying I need this fast. With the trials and tribulations coming my way, this Fast is what's helping me through.

It is extremely tempting to give up and eat the whole world while fasting. A wake and a repast are all about letting food comfort you in a time of grief. The wake was a doggone fish fry, for crying out loud! Tilapia, Snapper and somebody brought a pan of KFC - nothing but breasts & wings everywhere. Don't think I've said "Help me, Jesus" as much as I did Friday night.

But I held on. And held on through two full repast meals on Saturday too. But I can't blame my family for succumbing to that pan of macaroni and cheese yesterday. It's not my place to judge. All I know is that *I* couldn't afford to give in. I need a special word from the Lord. I *need* to continue to commune with him in order to make it through this season of chaos. So, like I've been joking with them through this whole experience, I held on to God's unchanging hand. And I'm happy to say he brought me through alllll that delicious looking and smelling food. Hammurcee, lawd!

So yes, we are at 6 more days remaining. I haven't been specifically fasting for any other thing in particular. In this case, everything is meeting the fast where it is - Life is being drawn to this thang like glue. So I'm just praying for all of the things that are going on in my life and the lives of those around me. God knows all about it all. Just praying for his guidance, clarity and understanding on these situations that we're going through. He's working it all out.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
"Like I don't recognize. Like u don't realize." - Thursday, Apr. 13, 2017
"And everybody's watching her but she's looking at you." - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2017
"I got work, baby! I got a job, baby! I got work to do! I got so much work to do!" - Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2017
"I got that gangsta love!" - Sunday, Mar. 19, 2017
"Lost without you. Can't help myself. How does it feel to know that I love you, baby?" - Sunday, Mar. 19, 2017