
"You are my everything. Love so good, only you can bring."

Sunday, Mar. 22, 2015 - 9:50 p.m.

Okay, I know I just posted an entry. But then I was listening to something and the person said that when you think negative over your future, negative results. And it made me think about something I wrote years ago, about what my life would be like 5 years from that point. And exactly what I wrote is what came to pass. So I'd like to take this opportunity to predict my GREAT 5 years from now. Hopefully I'll regularly revisit this forecast to tweak it for an even more positive outcome.

- Living and working in a city that I enjoy living and working in.

- Working in a career that brings me a great deal of satisfaction, provides me with an excellent source of stable income, and offers me the opportunity to travel and do outreach on a regular basis.

- Having a very good work/life balance, where I am able to be dedicated to my homelife just as I am dedicated to my job and career, being able to work from home on occasion and take vacations and days off as desired.

- Speaking of homelife, in 5 years, I will have a quiet, peaceful homelife with my significant other and children. If I am not married to my SO, our relationship will be solid, stable, happy, satisfying and will provide me with the mental, physical and financial support I desire. I will have at least one child who is healthy and happy and whom I am able to spend time with to nurture and love.

- I will have a peacefilled life. I will not be running here and there and everywhere all the time. I will come and go as I please, without the demands of the entire world weighing me down. I will make time to read books, cook, exercise and do the things I enjoy without feeling guilty for not attending to everyone else's needs and wants. I will be a priority in my life without apologies or regrets.

- I will have a pleasant social life, with true friends and activities that I participate in that I regularly attend and enjoy.

- In 5 years, I will be healthy with all levels and systems a go. I will be happy with my appearance and will be working towards maintaining my health.

I'm actually going to bookmark this entry so that I can refer to it on a regular basis. I want to project a positive future for myself. I'm over negative thinking. I will always be a realist. But I don't have a problem with doing what I can to will a positive future for myself. I can will it and having it written down will remind me so that I can work towards this positive future for myself.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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