
"What the eff is up?"

Monday, Jan. 28, 2013 - 9:45 p.m.

"It's Gucci Mane, the G!"

What's upppppp!!!!!...?


Seriously, nothing. Just still adjusting to this new life.

My so-called life.

I miss my apartamento!!!!!!! *sniff*


I went to Jamaica for my birfday!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!! Had a BLAST with my homies! Got the hookup on a house from my friggin' work crush.....

YO. This dude is f-i-n-e. Goodness gracious a-freakin-LIVE! He is fine as hayle! Woooo!!!!! (I literally just exhaled so loud. LOL) I mean, if I put "tall, dark & handsome" in google images, this fool would pop the hell up as a result! FINE. Lawd! And be running behind me like a lil puppy. LOL. I'm thinking it's because he doesn't (seem to) phase me. I'm very good at seeming nonplussed when I really want to FAINT! LOLOLOL. But it's also easy for me to just be like, "Oh.", because he's a braggart.

Nothing gets the LEAST reaction out of me than bragging.

So he's constantly doing stuff to impress me and I'm consistenly just....not impressed (even though on the inside, I'm super impressed - LOL). I need to stop that, I know. We'll see.

But before I start going on & on about my crush on this fool....

So he hooked us up to stay at an amazing 8-bedroom villa in the mountains in Montego Bay. Because the price was so cheap for that, we were able to afford a driver to take us all over the tourist side of Jamaica. We went to Ocho Rios & enjoyed Dunn's River Falls where we went on a bootleg excursion to a private beach.... All I gotta say is God watches over babies and FOOLS!!! Chyle! LOLOLOLOLLLL!!! We laid on the 7-Mile Beach & CHILL hoard in Negril. And we went bar-hopping in Montego Bay on the Hip Strip!

There was a moment on the last I stood on the balcony overlooking the mountainside with views of the ocean through the palm trees..... I was for real like, "I love my whole entire life." Seriously. Like, I'm TRULY blessed.

There's so much that goes on. I'm not always happy, but I'm rarely desperately sad - thank God. I want for NAUGHT - thank God. I'm able to endure the situations that come my way & maintain sanity in the midst - thank God.

Thank God.


I need to start exercising. I have a lot of stress in my life from dealing with my great-aunt, my own life changes because of my stepfather's death, more responsibilities at work, etc. I'm the biggest I have ever been in my life. I've not been feeling the best lately and I'm sure it all has to do with my weight. Yeah, gotta start exercising asap.

Welp, I've no kinda direction for this post so I'm prepared to stop rambling now. ;)

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

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