
"Blame it on the vodka, blame it on the Henny..."

Saturday, Jan. 31, 2009 - 11:06 a.m.

Thought I had the flu but thankfully (total sarcasm), it's only strep throat.

I haven't been this sick in a minute. I'd been faithfully taking 1,000mg Vitamin C, 1 Vitamin E pill and 1 Gingko Biloba pill every single day - even on the weekends. I caught a cold in December, I think, but other than that, I was good. I fell off of taking the pills when I got back last week and now I'm paying the price. Won't make that mistake again.

Life? It's going good. Just working and going to school. I was informed that there is gonna be a shake-up at work: my boss is being promoted and therefore transferred to another department. Ugh. He's so lax that's it's been something like a vacation working under him. I don't want him to gooo!!! But then again, were he to leave, I'd probably have to actually work. I don't like being so lazy but it's so encouraged in my office. I'm actually looking forward to being productive.

But there's a small curveball. He privately mentioned to me that it was requested that I move with him.... He hasn't said anything else about it, so we'll see. I think I like the idea of the department I could possibly be moving to but I like the office I work in because it's hidden and I can do whatever in there.

I guess what is going to happen will come out in due time.

So I met this old-ass man in Jamaica. Old-ass, like my momma's age. Ewwww, I know! LOL! But anywhoo. We snuck around with each other every night I was there, mostly because I didn't want anybody to know my bitness. He was a tourist too and is now back home in Connecticut. I don't know why I'm mentioning it here because I swear when I'm talking to him on the phone, I'm amused more than anything. I don't react to sweet nothings very well. I'm the type where I just can't bring myself to believe it until I see it. It's the realist in me.

So, anywhoo. I've been rambling. There's really nothing going on these days. I'm sick, finna get back in my bed and marinate under the covers. It's days like this that make me want to hook up that television in my bedroom, but the fact that anytime I get in that bed, I'm going straight to sleep because there are NO electronic distractions in there overrides that desire.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

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