
"Oh, I can't believe it. Ooh, ooh, he all on me, on me!"

Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008 - 11:45p.m.

Damn, my life is school for real. Now that this last semester is done, I just feel out of sorts. Don't know what to do if it's not worrying all over an assignment or absolutely dreading some deadline...

Contemplating a two-week television fast. Just no tv for two weeks straight. I'm also about to change my eating habits for the next two weeks. I don't have any stresses or anything holding me back. Matter fact, until classes start on August 25th, I ain't got nothin' but time. Hmph. Yeah, I think that'll work for me.

I just need some quiet for my mind. Some...just some "shhhh" for a minute. Just to get my mind settled and ready for the next semester, the rest of my '08, life, everything. I have a lot of things I want to do that are not getting done for various reasons. I'm just budgeting my time just like somebody budgets their money - get rid of the frivolous spending first. As much as I love my reality shows and Law & Order, I end up mostly watching reruns of shows I've seen a few times already. So I won't be too hurt. Except for "Flipping Out". I would like to see that reunion. Maybe I'll catch the write-up on the 'net about it or just let Tae tell me what happened. I understand Jeff Lewis' crazy ass. BPEB (Bi-Polar Ex-Boss) was just like him.

Well, today I was well-rested. Took advantage of the energy and did a whole gang of shit I've been meaning to do, including cooking my great-aunt some bomb-ass Chicken Soup. I had to tell myself not to keep it for myself, it turned out so damn good! LOL! I still feel guilty for considering not giving it to her too, but hey, it's good! I gotta make me some this coming weekend.

Soooo.... This jazz artist is coming to town this week: Esp.era.nza Sp.aul.ding. When out with friends at a live jazz restaurant last weekend, I was introduced to her music via a video that was being shown on the big screen. The next day I downloaded her album (which I have yet to listen to). Then, I'm reading the paper the other day and see she's gonna have a concert at the restaurant I went to (hence, them playing a video about her). So I'm thinking I'm gonna myself again! LOL! Ironically enough, my mom recently heard about her too but she's not an evening person so she ain't up to going.

Hey, long as they serving some White Zinfandel, I will be strizzaight!!

I can't keep missing out on life 'cause other folks don't want to/can't afford to/ain't interested in going. I'm me, right? So what does anybody else's situation have to do with what I'm trying to do?

Yeah, I like that.

*sidebar* The Olympics are really making me want to LEARN HOW TO swim. Yes, I'm from the land of the beaches, but a lot of us mainlanders do not know how to swim. Sad. What can ya do?" *end sidebar*

I shoulda been sleep by now, but I'm not. No worry, I WILL be walking tomorrow, no matter what time it is. And that's it.


the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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"Boy, your money and my money? Ain't the same damn kind. I can live your life and my life AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!" - Sunday, Oct. 02, 2016