
"Sell 'em no dreams, but the inspiration is free."

Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 - 11:38 p.m.

We visited with Aaron's mom this afternoon... She's holding up well, considering. It was just so sad to hear her say his name and follow that up with "God bless the dead." And then, on the way out the door, they had pictures of him all over the dinner table. Heart.breaking.

I know it's a part of life but death. just. ain't. easy.

And "change is the law of life"...

I signed away my loyalties circa 3:15pm this afternoon. I'm scheduled to start my new job on June 30th and have my wisdom teeth taken out June 24th. Suffice it to say, I'll be living SUCH a fun life at the end of June.

Gosh, I've been DREADING the whole "resignation" thing but it has to be done.

Ummmm, I gotta digress for a minute. Aaron recently had a baby girl but his mother had not held the baby until the night before Aaron passed. So she was telling us about holding the baby and looking at her but she kept calling the little girl "It". Ex: "I was holding IT and looking at IT..." I just can't get the way she was saying "It" out of my head. /end digression

Oh yeah, my car won't be ready for who knows how long. Can we say LEMON LAW!?!?

Okay, so back to my resignation - it's so weird! It feels like my boss is living vicariously through my decision. It's everything she wants to do - chucking up the deuces to the politics and deadlines - but feels like she can't. I never expected it to be "easy" to tell her and have her deal with it but she's taking it extremely well, which makes the process go that much smoother for me. I'm really happy about that too. Makes it feel more and more like I made the best decision for me.

Alright, I'ma try to get to work a few minutes early so I can bang out that "resignation" letter.

I'ma holla.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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