
"It's so wonderful to be here where you are and lit by your star."

Saturday, Oct. 17, 2020 - 6:24 p.m.

I was not selected for the role.


Disappointed but choosing not to dwell on the situation. I prayed God's will for my life so I fully trust that not getting it was part of his will. There is bigger and better out there for me. It's on its way to me.

I'll use the time going forward to design the life I want to have: make a plan and work towards it. I can focus on that for now while continuing my job search.

In other news, came across a man who grows and sells plants as a hobby a couple months back. Went by his house today and he had a baby banana tree. Been wanting some for a while so I took that one. Will get more when he has some ready. He also had baby coconut trees. Those are next on the list. I'm excited to create my own tropical oasis.

Finally had my godson over last weekend. It was by force, but still. I'd been putting it off because of rona. Enjoyed having him here. Did not enjoy having to mind and feed a growing child. Nevertheless, enjoyed having him here. I'll make a concerted effort to do it more often.

We went to the beach and it was so awesome. It was less than 2 hours but so needed!

Lying in my bed, watching tv and also the leaves sway on this breezy day. I am so grateful for peace. So grateful.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
"Don't forget to come and pick up your....FEELINGS! Don't leave no pieces!" - Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021
"Your soul's my destination. Your love's my meditation. I'm loving the sensation, a further exploration..." - Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020
"Baby, you are the one I always escape to..." - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020
"I can't be too comfortable 'cause loving you is not my destiny." - Monday, Dec. 14, 2020
"I can't think without you. My mind is always with you." - Monday, Nov. 02, 2020