
"I still believe in love and, if that makes me a fool, don't wake up..."

Wednesday, May. 20, 2020 - 11:06 p.m.

Wrote the last entry on Monday night.

On Tuesday (yesterday), a cousin came by. She brought a message from our aunt: that if I baked anything, to take some for her.

That. freaked. me. out.

I never bake anything. Haven't baked in years, in fact; maybe no less than 10 years ago. Everyone knows this. Everyone. A younger cousin is the family baker. So for our aunt to send that message in expectation that I'd baked something....and be correct....

Freaked. me. out.

It felt like a message that me pushing past that stupid fear and baking these simple-ass cookies is recognized. Felt like a pat on the back that these strides I'm making have me on the right path.

The floodgates are starting to open. I'm not afraid that I will drown - I'm afraid I'll swim. But I'm gonna stand in front of them anyway!!!!

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
"But still...I can’t see myself with no one else...because it was better than I imagined." - Wednesday, Sept. 09, 2020
"Make it make sense. Carefree is cool, but not at my expense." - Sunday, Aug. 23, 2020
God, thank you. - Thursday, Jul. 30, 2020
"So fight this battle for me...and help my I can tell all my friends...that you have won again." - Sunday, Jul. 12, 2020
"With this shredded heart... Can I get reparations for the pain?" - Sunday, Jun. 21, 2020