
"Shower... Sprinkle... Fall down on me."

Sunday, May. 05, 2019 - 9:05 p.m.

EFSIL found a reason to call me this evening. This is after communicating throughout the whole weekend. Hurried up and answered his questions then heard silence on his end. Tried to end the call and he found a way to try and extend the convo without it being obvious. But it was obvious.

I just don't get it.

I do not get it.

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
"We'll always have Paris - we'll share it. That's as far as it goes." - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2019
"I don't wanna kiss you, I just want to feel you. Feel you... I want you around." - Sunday, Jun. 30, 2019
"So ashé... Selah... Namaste... We give praise for all that is." - Thursday, Jun. 27, 2019
"You already knew that. But you already knew that. You probably knew that, girl." - Saturday, Jun. 01, 2019
"But the're....GONE." - Wednesday, May. 22, 2019