
"I'm tryna take my time and get to know me..."

Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007 - 10:32 p.m.

Boy I tell u, I am MUCH relieved about this 4-part exam I have to take for my QMB course. I guess starting was the toughest part but now that I've overcome that hurdle, I have a very big weight that's been lifted off my shoulders. I feel much better. It's great.

And my FIN class is going well. I've actually reached the point where I know what's going on. That's nice. :)

So my work situation... It's not on the rocks but I'm definitely not feeling comfortable in the environment. With all the staff changes, attitudes have changed. The mood in the office is just like "ugh". So I'on know what to think about that.... I need to pray about it.

All other "variables" remain the same in my life. Too much to do, no time to do so much, blahzay, blahzay.

This episode of Col.e's show is good.

Aiight. Sleep beckons. *yawn*

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

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