
"Just take a look through my eyes..."

2004-01-22 - 2:15 p.m.

Okay, so the guy does have insurance (yes! LOL!). My stepdaddy be thinkin' he a private detective so he called a number he found for the man's last name and address and ended up speaking to someone who lives there as well. The someone was in total shock that the man had even been in an accident. In other words, apparently the guy didn't tell anybody. He probably thought that, since he didn't give his insurance information, no one would find out...

And now he's conveniently "out of the country". He don't know, he can be anywhere he want but his insurance company is still here so they gon' get ready to pay, for real.

Dumb bastard! LOL! (I never use the word "bastard". He brought it out of me.)

Two (always TWO!) Stories:

1) Taking the Lady.

I'm a Southern girl at heart. There's nothing I can do about it. All of my mother's family grew up in Georgia so I grew up in Georgia too in a sense even though I've only been there 'bout 3 times in my life...

Southern Hospitality is just in me.

So, one day, I'm headed somewhere. I see an old lady walking down the street. It's raining. The direction she's headed in, I just know she's going to night school at the high school down the street from me. So, since I'm headed past there, I offer her a ride.

At first, she was hesitant but the pouring rain quickly led her to my lil' ECHO (my bay-bay!!!).

I took her to the school and dropped her off. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me and hopped out to be on her way.

As I was pulling off, I saw her out of the corner of my eye, turning around to come back to the car. Thinking she had forgotten something in my car, I stopped and looked around. I didn't see anything that belonged to her. She finally got up to the window and, in her broken English (the night school at the high school is basically to teach English to people in my neighborhood who come from other countries), proceeds to ask me for $1.

I am all confused because I know that I just gave this lady a ride out the kindness of my heart and she gon' have the frame of mind to come and ask me for some money?! But I ain't say nothin'. I do what I can for people when I can. So, I gave her the $1.

To my utter shock and disbelief, this woman proceeded to ask me, again in her broken English, "You don't have one dollar more?" I looked her dead in the eye and said, "No." At this point, I can't even remember if I told her the truth or not. I just wanted her to know that you do not take advantage of people like that. It's rude. And I still can't believe she did me like that.

2) The 'Olla (oh-la)

One night, after a real party at school, me, D, and Nat were headed to an on-campus afterapartmentparty. Nat had parked in a far parking lot so me and D walked with her to get her car.

When Nat is involved, everybody acts crazy. She makes you. You can't help but act crazy around her 'cause she's just naturally crazy and it rubs off. So, we actin' crazy as usual...

We raced to the car 'cause Nat is known to get in and sit in the car and lock the doors so you can't get in. So, she beat me and D to the damn car...

In protest, I satlaid on the trunk and D sat on the hood. Nat moved the car a lil' bit and D got off 'cause she wasn't about to even play like that.

I should have known better too but I was gon' show Nat I was just as crazy as her ass.

I stayed on the trunk and D somehow got in the car...

Nat proceeded to pull off again. She was going very slow, I have to give that to her. It's just that cars ain't made to have people sittin' on 'em.

I FLEW (and when I say I FLEW, I mean my body was suspended in mid-air. I was lookin' like Superwoman up in that parking lot - arms stretched out and all!) off the back of that car and landed on the dirt.

First of all, thank God it was a dirt parking lot. Cement? I woulda broke something. That just goes to show, God knows his children ain't nothin' but a bunch of idiots, so he's there to make sure we go through something, but at least not to the full-out extent (thank you, Lauryn).

But back to the story. What was FUNNY!!! was that nobody even knew I had flown off the trunk. Matter fact, I AIN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!

I mean, I remember flying off the trunk. But hittin' that ground kinda threw me into shock. I ain't have no idea what was goin' on. I didn't even fully realize that I was on the ground.

So, I look up. I see the brake lights come on Nat's car. Then I see the doors open. Nat and D got out with the most shocked looks on their faces and asked if I was okay. All I could do was CRACK UP!!!!!! Oh my goodness, that was FUNNY!!!!! I stood up and the beige shirt I had on was gray from the dirt on the ground. I had dirt on my face, my pants, my elbows - anywhere and everywhere. I think my shoes had even fallen off!

That has to be one of the funniest things that has ever happened to me in my life. I won't tell nobody though, 'cause that ish was dangerous as all hell (which I realized as soon as I stood up). But it was funny nonetheless. I thought of it last night when I was thinking about that weird dream I had of flying out of that car... I was cracking up to myself. Even now, just writing it has me cracking up.

It was just the look on everybody's faces and the fact that nobody even knew I had fallen off of the car...

Yeah, I'll never be doing that again.

One of the dealerships we went to last night, the people knew we knew they were trying to lie to us. So it's no surprise to me that I got a phone call from them asking me to call them back...

My momma can make you feel bad if you treat her wrong... She is the #1 manipulator! LOL!!! That's how she be gettin' me to do things for her that I don't really want to do.

Just knowing that the fool who hit me has insurance has really brightened my day. For real. It's one less thing to worry about.

I've been doing a lot of research on the Atkins. I tried it before and lost like 5 pounds in a week but I don't think I've ever been so consistently angry in my life as I was that week I was on that diet... LOL. That thang is like JAIL for people like me who love some carbohydrates.

But the thing is, I really wanna do it 'cause my mom needs to do it for her diabetes but she won't really do it on her own. I figure I can do something to help me and her at the same time by getting on the Atkins. It'll discipline me too. Help me to stop eating for pleasure and focus more on just eating what I need...

It's the being angry thing that worries me. But hopefully, I'll be getting that negativity out during my treadmill workout instead of using it on people that get on my damn nerves.

Sometimes, I be wantin' to be smiley. I be wantin' to walk around with a smile on my face 'cause I'm happy and I'm sick of people assuming something is wrong with me 'causa the set of my mouth... I don't know where that came from. LOL.

But for real, I'm just like that when I'm out in public - don't look at me and I won't look at you. Yeah, that's the one part of Southern Hospitality that I missed. Or maybe it's that I got tired of saying "hi" to people I passed and having them not even hear me... I don't know.

Did I ever mention that I have the memory of an elephant?

the last - the next

The Trees Today - The Trees I've Seent. - Diaryland.

The Last 5 Trees
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